Turnitin Draft Coach lets you review the Turnitin similarity score on a document before you officially submit it to OUM.

Click here for a full demonstration video

How to use Turnitin Draft Coach:

Click here for an explanation how to interpret a Turnitin similarity report

The Similarity Check can be performed three times on a single document, and the Grammar Check and Citations Check can be done unlimited times.

Step 1: Open a file in Google Docs, in the upper menu click on "Extensions" and select "Turnitin Draft Coach".

Step 2: On the right sidebar, click "Get Feedback Now" at the bottom.

Step 3: Check the box for "I agree to the terms and conditions", and click "Continue to Draft Coach".

Steps 4 and more: The right sidebar has 4 tabs: Details, Similarity, Citations, Grammar.

The Details tab just links to the other tabs.

The Similarity tab shows the top sources that are similar to your text. These sources are colored, and any matching areas of your text are highlighted in the same color (see screenshot below). Click on any sources to see the matching area of text.

Click "View full report" at the bottom of the Similarity tab to see all sources, exclude certain sources, and adjust settings.

The Citations tab checks for citations and references formatted in the MLA and APA citation style.

The Grammar tab checks for various issues that are organized into 4 types: Grammar, Mechanics, Structure, and Usage Issues.

These are highlighted in your text, and clicking on any issue in the sidebar will show the text and provide more info, with a "Show examples" option at the bottom for further info.


Issue #1. If you don't see the "Extensions" section in the upper menu of your file in Google Docs, try this:

Click on "File" in the upper-left, and select "Save as Google Docs" (see screenshot below).

This will create a copy of the original file, which will have the same file title but will be in the Google Doc format.

Extensions (such as Turnitin Draft Coach) are not available on files that are Microsoft Word format.

See screenshots below to compare two versions of the same file, in the Google Doc format and Microsoft Word format.

Note in screenshot #2 the "Extensions" section is missing, and to the right of the file title is the ".DOCX" icon, which is shown for Microsoft Word format files.

If your file is in Microsoft Word format, it needs to be converted into a Google Doc format to use Turnitin Draft Coach.

Each time that's done, it creates a copy of the original file.

 has the same title, but the original file has ".docx" at the end of the title.

Issue #2. If you are editing the file on your device, then upload it to Google Drive. Visit https://drive.google.com/drive/home, and drag-and-drop your file there, or in the upper-left click "New" and select "File Upload. Then follow the steps for Issue #1, if needed. 

If you are editing the file on your device using Drive for Desktop, then right-click on the file in the folder and click "Open with Google Docs." 

Issue #3. If you have no more remaining Similarity checks on a file, and the right sidebar shows "0/3 checks left", then one approach is to create a copy of the file. Click "File" in the upper-left and select "Make a copy."

Issue # 4. If you are editing the file, but the edits don't appear after you run a check with Turnitin Draft Coach, these may be 'suggested' edits. For more info, see this Help Desk article: https://oum.freshdesk.com/en/support/solutions/articles/36000488135-how-to-suggest-edits-in-docs

Next steps:

To officially submit a file to OUM, this must be done in SIS. Turnitin Draft Coach is used for students to review their files, and not for submitting it to OUM.